

Facebook otsib Eestist programmeerijaid

Facebook soovib oma ridu täiendada muuhulgas ka Eesti päritolu programmeerijatega, kes saaksid hakkama C++, Java ja PHP-programmeerimisega. Nõutav on bakalaureusekraad ning 6-kuuline kogemus tarkvaraarenduses.

TTÜ karjääriteenistus jagab järgmist infot (nende veebis pole töökuulutus lingitav):



Töö asukoht:
Palo Alto, California, USA

Töö sisu:
• Engineers can work on any part of the stack, including:
• Code high-volume software using primarily C++ and Java
• Create web or mobile applications using primarily PHP
• Implement web interfaces using HTML, CSS, and Javascript
• Build report interfaces and data feeds

Kandidaadile esitatavad nõudmised:
• B.S. Computer Science or related field
• At least 6+ months Software Development experience post-graduation
• Expertise with C++ and/or Java
• Knowledge of Perl or PHP or Python
• Knowledge of relational databases and SQL

Töö vorm:


Please submit all CVs to mlangan@fb.com

Matt Langan - mlangan@fb.com

Firma WWW:

Firma tutvustus:
Facebook is now recruiting for experienced Software Engineers to join our team at our international HQ in Palo Alto, California, USA (Visa provided if successful). The position is full-time and permanent. We are hiring engineers to work on all parts of the stack - to create web and mobile applications that reach hundreds of millions of people, and to build the massively scalable systems that power these applications. It doesn’t matter if you’ve recently graduated or if you have years of experience – we are looking to speak with the most talented and passionate software developers out there.

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